MyPace CPR LLC has relocated from PAL to 2118 Inwood Dr, Ste 106, Ft Wayne, IN 46815
In accordance with the guidelines published by the American Heart Association, each student must have the current appropriate student workbook readily available for use before, during, and after the course.
Student workbooks are designed for individual use and are an integral part of the student's education. Students may reuse their textbooks during renewals or updates until new science guidelines are published.
You can purchase the student workbook in ebook format or hard copy format directly from the American Heart Association using this link,
However, purchase of the student workbook for this class is optional and hard copies are available to share during the class.
Mailing Address: 1903 Bear Paw Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46815 Class Site: 2118 Inwood Dr, Ste 106, Fort Wayne, IN 46815